The joint institution of EAS and KredEx has been seeking active partners from umbrella organisations through the “Development Advisor Support grant” aiming to contribute to the implementation of the Research and Development, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (RDI) Strategy 2021-2035.
With the support provided, the organisation can hire a development advisor, whose work will improve the awareness of the organisation’s members and their access to various RDI capabilities, RDI-related collaborative projects, and support for sustainability improvements, including international funding opportunities.
The Estonian timber construction sector contributes to the smart specialization growth area of RDI by maximizing the value of local resources. Maximum value can be added to timber through chemical processing or timber construction. The latter is also one of the largest export items in Estonia, thus significantly contributing to the entire Estonian economy. The sector is supported by the European green and digital transition, as timber construction is more environmentally friendly and technologically more advanced (more digitized, more automated) than the traditional construction sector. In this context, the sector aims to grow from half a billion to a billion euros – but achieving this requires vigorous engagement in RDI activities in other smart specialization areas of RDI (digital solutions in every life sphere, smart and sustainable solutions, including energy).
The ongoing project “Acceleration of Research and Development Activities in the Timber Construction Sector” enables the development advisor of the Estonian Woodhouse Association to develop a “Strategy for Accelerating Research and Development Activities in the Timber Construction Sector” along with an action plan and to lead it together with companies and RDI institutions.
Project Start and End Date: 01.05.2023 – 30.04.2025
Measure: 2021-2027.1.1 Research and Innovation Capacity, Advanced Technologies
Area: Increasing Companies’ RDI Awareness (RDI Opportunities) and Enhancing RDI Capability (2021-2027.1.1.11)
Total project budget: €107,314.32
Partner: Estonian Woodhouse Association
Read more about the Development Advisor Support measure: Arendusnõunike toetuse konkurss