Woodhouse Estonia is set to share the success story of Estonian wooden houses. We aim to inspire more people to discover the benefits of wood as a construction material and provide connections to manufacturers and and other partners. The image of Woodhouse Estonia was created as one of the tools for achieving this goal.
Woodhouse Estonia, established for sharing the success stories of Estonian timber houses, is a joint brand representing the umbrella organisations of the timber construction sector – the Estonian Wooden Houses Cluster and the Estonian Woodhouse Association. The main task of Woodhouse Estonia continues to be representing its members in the best way possible and providing comprehensive support to their success.
The content, structure, and visuals of the web and logo of both the Cluster and the Woodhouse Association have been updated. From now on, the umbrella organisations of the sector are going to use the collective name Woodhouse Estonia. A portal introducing timber houses manufactured in Estonia can be found at www.woodhouse.ee
According to Annika Kadaja, the CEO of the Estonian Woodhouse Association, the sector has been in need of updated visuals for quite some time. “The Wooden Houses Cluster and the Woodhouse Association include quality companies that can offer world-class competency in timber construction and have a long and successful history of being active in foreign markets. Woodhouse Estonia is a shared brand and its visual image is going to give us the tools for introducing them in an attractive way to both domestic partners as well as the ones in export markets. It will also allow us to represent our manufacturers on various levels.” Ms. Kadaja explains that our sector wants to support improving the reputation of Estonia as a country and its timber house manufacturers abroad. Therefore, its visual expression is consciously linked to the elements of the brand Estonia in order to bilaterally support introducing the country and the sector outside the nation.
“An umbrella organisation has the important role of creating a positive environment, image, and background so that the companies that are active in the sector could grow and evolve. Woodhouse Estonia has now become a tool for this job,” commented on the new identity the CEO of the Estonian Woodhouse Association Annika Kadaja.
In the future, the Estonian Wooden Houses Cluster and the Estonian Woodhouse Association can be recognised as Woodhouse Estonia!
You can find us online at www.woodhouse.ee.