Töötuba “Practical Stereotomy: A Hip Roof from Layout to Assembly”
Woodhouse Estonia koos heade partneritega korraldab rahvusvahelise palkehituse konverentsi raames erinevaid temaatilisi töötube ja praktilisi kursuseid. Töötoad toimuvad inglise keeles!
This workshop provides a holistic approach to solving seemingly complex timber framed roof designs. Participants will explore the art of solving an irregular (bastard) hip with equal overhangs using practical stereotomy.
This course is designed for architects, builders, carpenters, and professionals in the construction industry seeking a holistic understanding of timber roof intricacies. By the end of the workshop, participants will have not only enriched their theoretical knowledge but also gained valuable practical skills, making them adept at navigating the challenges presented by complex roof designs.