Töötuba “Norwegian notch techniques”
Woodhouse Estonia koos heade partneritega korraldab rahvusvahelise palkehituse konverentsi raames erinevaid temaatilisi töötube ja praktilisi kursuseid. Töötoad toimuvad inglise keeles!
Join us for an immersive workshop in the traditional art of Norwegian zero-point log building! Using pallets and one-meter-long cut-offs, we’ll dive into the fundamentals of this timeless craft. From marking-up to cutting out stage one and two, you’ll learn essential techniques through a blend of hands-on demonstrations and expert instruction.
Over the past 15 years, the introduction of the North American double bubble scriber has revolutionized log building in Norway, and Georg Fuller is excited to share these innovations with You. With tools provided, you’ll practice axe work, utilize chainsaws, and master the use of chisels, gouges, channel knives, and tiger saws.
George Fuller, a experienced craftsman with a lifelong passion for building and teaching. Born in England, George has called Norway home for over 56 years, immersing himself in its rich culture and traditions. With a diverse background, George’s journey into craftsmanship began as a ski instructor from 1970 to 2010, where he honed his skills in precision and attention to detail. Transitioning into carpentry in 1979, George achieved the prestigious title of Master Carpenter in 1997.