May 25, 2024

International competition for handcrafted log house builders

The aim of the competition organized by Woodhouse Estonia is to introduce and populize the profession of log house builder, as well as to promote log construction and its traditions.

Handcrafted Log House Builders’ Competition is a unique event both in Estonia and on an international level. Professional log house builders can compare their skills with colleagues in an exciting and engaging format for the audience.

Competitors must demonstrate speed and the best technique in crafting the most important structural parts of a log house – the corner notch. The winner of the competition is the contestant who completes the task in the shortest time and with the highest level of accuracy.

The competition takes place in three categories – professionals, students and axemen.

International Competition for Handcrafted Log House Builders is a part of Räpina Good Home Days and belongs to European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme, bringing log house builders and enthusiast all over the world to South Estonia (Räpina).

May 25, 2024
Räpina manor park
FREE (participants must pre-register)
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