Estonian Woodhouse Association 25: Partner for collaboration and open idea sharing

The Estonian Woodhouse Association celebrated its 25th anniversary at the end of August, bringing together its members, partners, and other stakeholders in the field with whom it has collaborated throughout this journey. The anniversary event, held at the summer retreat center in Roosta, provided participants with memorable moments, thought-provoking presentations, and opportunities to exchange experiences.

“The journey of the Association began with the initiative of a few dozen companies aimed at developing the sector and advancing exports. From a modest starting point as a professional association, it has grown into an ambitious umbrella organization that provides comprehensive support to the sector at various levels. This is a significant achievement, and we are proud of what we have accomplished together,” said Martin Talts, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Woodhouse Association. “However, we also recognize and appreciate that the Woodhouse Association does not only represent house factories; it is also supported by key supply chain partners who contribute to the sector’s success. Many of these partners are listed as supportive members of the association. Therefore, we would like to thank all the companies that have actively contributed to the association’s activities, and we want to highlight those that have made the most significant contributions over the years: Akzo Nobel Baltics AS, ESSVE Estonia, and Kyocera Senco Estonia!”

Puitmajaliit 25 juubeli tähistamine Roosta puhkekeskuses. Fotol Essve Eesti, Akzo Nobel Baltics ja Kyocera Senco. Foto: Kalev Lilleorg
Estonian Woodhouse Association recognized its long-standing supportive members — ESSVE Estonia, Akzo Nobel Baltics, and Kyocera Senco. Photo by Kalev Lilleorg

The traditional summer conference for friends of wooden houses was opened by Kusti Salm, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defence, who spoke about national defense, support for Ukraine, potential scenarios of war, and emphasized the role of each individual’s mindset and attitude in the context of maintaining Estonia’s independence. This was followed by a success story from Finnlog, where Alar Anton shared the inspiring journey of the company’s development. Finnlog, now one of the leading builders of log houses and CLT single-family homes in Estonia, started as a small construction firm that faced many challenges in its early years. However, with a strong team and a clear vision, they were able to grow. “The secret to our success lies in our commitment to quality and innovation. We have always believed that a wooden house can be both beautiful and functional, and this principle is central to our work,” he noted.

Suvekonverentsi programmi lõpetas Eesti Rahvusvahelise Arengukoostöö Keskuse (ESTDEV) ettekanne ja sellele järgnenud aruteluring. ESTDEV on organisatsioon, mis keskendub rahvusvahelise arengu ja humanitaarabi projektidele ja on aidanud esile tõsta puidust tehasemajade olulist rolli sõjajärgsete piirkondade taastamisel. ESTDEV rõhutas, et Eesti, sealhulgas meie majatehased, on andnud olulise panuse rahvusvahelistes projektides ja Ukraina sisulises ülesehitamises. Eesti on rajanud Ukrainasse Euroopa nõuetele vastava kaasaegse moodullasteaia, käimas on perekodude ehitus ja mitmed teisedki ehitusprojektid planeerimisel. See tähendab, et oleme koos partneritega loonud tugeva eeskuju Ukrainale abi pakkumisel. Eesti tehastes toodetud puitmajad on Ukrainlastele täna rohkem kui lihtsalt ehitised – need on sümbolid ja elutähtsad rajatised, mis pakuvad kaitset, turvatunnet ja jõudu riigi püsima jäämiseks.

Tarmo Needo, Head of Infrastructure Construction at ESTDEV, and Klen Jäärats, Member of the Board. Photo by Kalev Lilleorg

The evening’s anniversary program was kicked off by the energetic folk-techno band Oopus, whose performance brought a special atmosphere to the celebration. The band, known for its unique style that blends traditional Estonian folk music with modern electronic sounds and light effects, provided excellent entertainment. Overall, the 25th anniversary celebration of the Estonian Woodhouse Association was a lively event that showcased the strengths of both the association and the entire wooden house industry. “We are now ready to contribute to the sector’s future development with renewed energy. We thank all the guests and partners who helped make this important day a success,” expressed Annika Kadaja, CEO of the Estonian Woodhouse Association, as she thanked everyone present.

The Estonian Woodhouse Association was founded in May 1999 by 17 companies producing wooden houses. Currently, the association has approximately 70 member companies.